Silken Accomplishments
Canine Good Citizen
Cool Run Kandy Kayne CGC, TDI and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy)
with the Red Cross
Cool Run Riesen CGC, TDI and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy)
with the Red Cross
Cool Run Secret Ti' Amo CGC, TDI, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Kristull Cezanne by Cool Run CGC
ISWS MBISS CH., NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Kristull Dante by Cool Run CGC
Siendo's American Pie LLC, SRC, CGC, TDI
Siendo's American Pride SRCXX, CGC, ASFA Coursing Qualified, Delta Therapy Certified
#2 Racing Silken 2008
Siendo’s Inca CGC, CIC, TT, American Temperament Test Society, ISWS FCh
First Silken Windhound to pass the ATTS TT, ASFA Coursing Qualified
IABCA JuA Int Ch Talisman of Sukiya CGC, CQ, ASFA Certified
Rarities Ch. Allagante DaVinci
ISWS Ch. Cool Run Belita of Siendo CIC
ISWS Ch., ISWS BISS Ch., NAKC Am/Can/Eur Ch. Cool Run Enchanted Barak
ISWS CH., NAKC/Rarities Int. CH., IABCA BIS CH. Cool Run Enchanted Mia
ISWS CH. & NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Cool Run Enchanted Morgana
NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Cool Run Enchanted Snow Dust
ISWS MBISS CH., NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Kristull Dante by Cool Run CGC
First ISWS Conformation Champion of Record
ISWS Ch., Rarities Ch., BIS, Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche SRCX
First Dual Champion on the East Coast
ISWS CH., NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Lagniappe Ti’ Cayenne Cool Run
IABCA JuA Int Ch Talisman of Sukiya CGC, CQ, ASFA Certified
Debs SmallWorld Kentucky Derby FD, FD, FDCH
Lure Coursing
ISWS Ch. Cool Run Belita of Siendo CIC, Coursing Qualified
Cool Run Secret Amadeo, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Cool Run Secret Ti' Amo CGC, TDI, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Dragon'sGateOutlawKidCurrySiendo, SRCX, NLCC(National Lure Coursing Club), ISWS FCh
Best in Field all breeds, winning the Inaugural Christmas Cup Trophy 2009
HMS Silver Fox of Siendo CIC
ISWS Ch., Rarities Ch., BIS, Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche SRCX,
ASFA Coursing Qualified, First Dual Champion on the East Coast
Siendo's American Pie LLC, SRC, CGC, TDI
Siendo's American Pride SRCXX, CGC, ASFA Coursing Qualified, Delta Therapy Certified
#2 Racing Silken 2008
Siendo's Cimarron River SRC, ISWS FCh
Siendo’s Inca CGC, CIC, TT, American Temperament Test Society, ISWS FCh
First Silken Windhound to pass the ATTS TT, ASFA Coursing Qualified
ISWS/IABCA/NKA Ch Springlane Kristull Dancer LCC
First Silken Windhound LCC
IABCA JuA Int Ch Talisman of Sukiya CGC, CQ, ASFA Certified
WindnSatin Cookies n Creme, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Straight Racing
Dragon'sGateOutLawKidCurrySiendo SRCX, ISWS Fch
Kristull Indigo of Siendo SRC
#5 Racing Silken 2007 at age 7, Multiple High Scoring Veteran in Racing
ISWS Ch., Rarities Ch., BIS, Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche SRCX
#1 Racing Silken in 2007, First Dual Champion on the East Coast
Siendo's American Dream SRC
Siendo's American Pie LLC, SRC, CGC, TDI
Siendo's American Pride SRCXX, CGC, ASFA Coursing Qualified, Delta Therapy Certified
#2 Racing Silken 2008
Siendo's Cimarron River SRC, ISWS FCh
Siendo’s Inca CGC, CIC, TT, American Temperament Test Society, ISWS FCh
Temperament Test
Siendo’s Inca CGC, CIC, TT, American Temperament Test Society, ISWS FCh
First Silken Windhound to Pass the ATTS TT, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Cool Run Kandy Kayne CGC, TDI and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy)
with the Red Cross
Cool Run Riesen CGC, TDI and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy)
with the Red Cross
Cool Run Secret Ti' Amo CGC, TDI, ASFA Coursing Qualified
HMS Silver Fox of Siendo Therapy Dog Certified
Siendo's American Pie LLC, SRC, CGC, TDI
Siendo's American Pride SRCXX, CGC, ASFA Coursing Qualified, Delta Therapy Certified
#2 Racing Silken 2008
Cool Run Kandy Kayne CGC, TDI and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy)
with the Red Cross
Cool Run Riesen CGC, TDI and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy)
with the Red Cross
Cool Run Secret Ti' Amo CGC, TDI, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Kristull Cezanne by Cool Run CGC
ISWS MBISS CH., NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Kristull Dante by Cool Run CGC
Siendo's American Pie LLC, SRC, CGC, TDI
Siendo's American Pride SRCXX, CGC, ASFA Coursing Qualified, Delta Therapy Certified
#2 Racing Silken 2008
Siendo’s Inca CGC, CIC, TT, American Temperament Test Society, ISWS FCh
First Silken Windhound to pass the ATTS TT, ASFA Coursing Qualified
IABCA JuA Int Ch Talisman of Sukiya CGC, CQ, ASFA Certified
Rarities Ch. Allagante DaVinci
ISWS Ch. Cool Run Belita of Siendo CIC
ISWS Ch., ISWS BISS Ch., NAKC Am/Can/Eur Ch. Cool Run Enchanted Barak
ISWS CH., NAKC/Rarities Int. CH., IABCA BIS CH. Cool Run Enchanted Mia
ISWS CH. & NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Cool Run Enchanted Morgana
NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Cool Run Enchanted Snow Dust
ISWS MBISS CH., NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Kristull Dante by Cool Run CGC
First ISWS Conformation Champion of Record
ISWS Ch., Rarities Ch., BIS, Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche SRCX
First Dual Champion on the East Coast
ISWS CH., NAKC/Rarities Int. CH. Lagniappe Ti’ Cayenne Cool Run
IABCA JuA Int Ch Talisman of Sukiya CGC, CQ, ASFA Certified
Debs SmallWorld Kentucky Derby FD, FD, FDCH
Lure Coursing
ISWS Ch. Cool Run Belita of Siendo CIC, Coursing Qualified
Cool Run Secret Amadeo, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Cool Run Secret Ti' Amo CGC, TDI, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Dragon'sGateOutlawKidCurrySiendo, SRCX, NLCC(National Lure Coursing Club), ISWS FCh
Best in Field all breeds, winning the Inaugural Christmas Cup Trophy 2009
HMS Silver Fox of Siendo CIC
ISWS Ch., Rarities Ch., BIS, Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche SRCX,
ASFA Coursing Qualified, First Dual Champion on the East Coast
Siendo's American Pie LLC, SRC, CGC, TDI
Siendo's American Pride SRCXX, CGC, ASFA Coursing Qualified, Delta Therapy Certified
#2 Racing Silken 2008
Siendo's Cimarron River SRC, ISWS FCh
Siendo’s Inca CGC, CIC, TT, American Temperament Test Society, ISWS FCh
First Silken Windhound to pass the ATTS TT, ASFA Coursing Qualified
ISWS/IABCA/NKA Ch Springlane Kristull Dancer LCC
First Silken Windhound LCC
IABCA JuA Int Ch Talisman of Sukiya CGC, CQ, ASFA Certified
WindnSatin Cookies n Creme, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Straight Racing
Dragon'sGateOutLawKidCurrySiendo SRCX, ISWS Fch
Kristull Indigo of Siendo SRC
#5 Racing Silken 2007 at age 7, Multiple High Scoring Veteran in Racing
ISWS Ch., Rarities Ch., BIS, Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche SRCX
#1 Racing Silken in 2007, First Dual Champion on the East Coast
Siendo's American Dream SRC
Siendo's American Pie LLC, SRC, CGC, TDI
Siendo's American Pride SRCXX, CGC, ASFA Coursing Qualified, Delta Therapy Certified
#2 Racing Silken 2008
Siendo's Cimarron River SRC, ISWS FCh
Siendo’s Inca CGC, CIC, TT, American Temperament Test Society, ISWS FCh
Temperament Test
Siendo’s Inca CGC, CIC, TT, American Temperament Test Society, ISWS FCh
First Silken Windhound to Pass the ATTS TT, ASFA Coursing Qualified
Cool Run Kandy Kayne CGC, TDI and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy)
with the Red Cross
Cool Run Riesen CGC, TDI and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy)
with the Red Cross
Cool Run Secret Ti' Amo CGC, TDI, ASFA Coursing Qualified
HMS Silver Fox of Siendo Therapy Dog Certified
Siendo's American Pie LLC, SRC, CGC, TDI
Siendo's American Pride SRCXX, CGC, ASFA Coursing Qualified, Delta Therapy Certified
#2 Racing Silken 2008